Renoir : Painter of Happiness
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Impressions of grandeur: The French Impressionist surveyed in
depthBorn in Limoges, France, Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841 1919) was
a painter of life, love, and laughter. In rural landscapes,
sun-drenched studies, and abundant female nudes, his oeuvre took
the dappled touch of Impressionism into a new sensual realm.During
the course of his career, Renoir assimilated and expressed numerous
influences and styles. Early works, created in Paris, tended
towards portraiture, and were heavily influenced by Delacroix,
Courbet, and Degas. Later, he pioneered Impressionist traits
alongside peers such as Pissaro and Monet with canvases including
Bal du Moulin de la Galette and Luncheon of the Boating
Partyepitomizing the movement s plein air principles and scenes of
bourgeois leisure. As Renoir s reputation and output grew, a sense
of classicism began to pervade his paintings, further fueled by
trips to Italy to study masterpieces by Titian and Raphael. In
later works, he adopted much more statuesque aesthetics,
particularly in relation to his abundant, beloved female models.In
this appropriately jumbo edition is a selection of more than 500
works that best demonstrate Renoir s immense talent and historical
importance. With a complete chronology, bibliography, and index of
works, as well as photos and sketches illustrating Renoir s life
and work, TASCHEN sRenoir is the essential reference book for this
painter of happiness and poet of love.