Romantic Style

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Romantic Style kúpite na
17,05 €
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If you love elegant furniture and soft colours, and you'd rather fill your home with flowers and candlelight than cutting-edge technology, then you'll adore Romantic Style. In this beguiling book, stylist Selina Lake and interiors writer Sara Norrman show you real homes, beautifully decorated with an eye for the elegant. Warm whites and creams, lace and embroidery, vintage furniture, dainty glassware and decorative china all feature, although less is very often more. A surprisingly easy look to reproduce, once you have a feel for the chief components of the style, you can roll it out in any room, adapting it with your own treasured pieces. The book begins by exploring Romantic Inspirations - Vintage Romantic, Simple Romantic, Elegant Romantic and Modern Romantic - four very different facets of the romantic look. Next, Romantic Styling outlines the key ingredients of any romantic scheme, with advice about colours, flowers and fabrics as well as displaying your treasures and lighting. The third section, Romantic Rooms, takes a room-by-room tour of the home, with explanations of how to recreate such a scheme yourself. Using a mix of contemporary, antique, and flea-market finds, Romantic Style gives any home an serene and gently feminine feel.
Výber kníh autorov Ryland , Peters & Small , Selina Lake

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