Seven Summers

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12,30 €
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**AVAILABLE TO PRE-ORDER NOW**Two epic love stories. One impossible choice. The stunning new novel from Paige Toon.Six summers agoLiv and Finn meet working in a bar on the rugged Cornish coastline, their futures full of promise. When a night of passion ends in devastating tragedy they are bound together inextricably. But Finn's life is in LA with his band, and Liv's is in Cornwall with her family - so they make a promise. Finn will return every year, and if they are single they will spend the summer together.This summerLiv crosses paths with Tom - a mysterious new arrival in her hometown. As the wildflowers and heather come into bloom, they find themselves falling for one another. For the first time Liv can imagine a world where her heart isn't broken every year.Now Liv must make an impossible choice. And when she discovers the shocking reason that Tom has left home, she'll need to trust her heart even more . . .______________________________Praise for Seven Summers:‘Paige Toon makes me fall in love and then breaks my heart every single time! Simply beautiful’ Giovanna Fletcher‘A truly beautiful love story, heart-wrenching and heart-warming in equal measure’ Beth O’Leary'Romantic and sweeping, raw and real. I absolutely adored Seven Summers. This book has even more of Paige’s magic than usual’ Lucy Vine'Paige Toon breaks your heart then stitches it back together with expert hands' Carley Fortune‘Poignant, passionate and powerful, this unforgettable story will sweep you away on a giant wave of emotion. Genuinely unputdownable’ Milly Johnson‘Epic, emotional, uplifting! Perfect Paige!’ Heidi Swain‘An epic love story that will keep you guessing until the very last page’ Lucy Diamond‘Happiness and heartbreak, desperate dilemmas and delicious descriptions of the Cornish coast. I had no idea how this book was going to end. It’s going to be huge!’ Jill Mansell'Heart-warming and heart-breaking [...] I dare you to put this book down' Jo Watson‘I can think of no greater pleasure than spending an hour in the company of a Paige Toon book. Set in beautiful, rugged Cornwall, you can smell the sea and feel the blissful ache of the characters’ hearts with the turn of every page. Magical’Catherine Isaac'She reaches into your heart and pulls it right out. Seven Summers is the ultimate love story' Annabel Monaghan‘An emotional rollercoaster like no other, Seven Summers undid me!’ Zoë Folbigg'Paige Toon's romances are always powerful and poignant and never fail to leave me clutching her book to my chest' Mia Sheridan‘Seven Summers warms your heart, shatters it in pieces, then puts it back together again and again’ Abby Jimenez‘Paige Toon has spun a deeply layered story of hope and heartache that swept me away. I loved it’ K.A. Tucker‘Beautiful, heartbreaking, and hopeful - I don’t think I’ll ever get over this book. Be prepared to fall in love, cry, and take these characters into your heart. I could not have loved this more’ Emily Stone‘This gorgeous tale of soulmates who meet every summer ripped my heart to shreds and then put it back together, giving me all the feels I want in a novel’ Rachel Johns
Výber kníh autorov Paige Toon , Cornerstone

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