Sink the Pink's Manifesto for Misfits

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Sink the Pink's Manifesto for Misfits kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
18,95 €
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Krátky popis
'I love this book! Its vibrant and jumps off the page at you!' Fearne Cotton'A potent fruit-punch of a guide that didn't really exist. Now that it does, it will be a blessing for so many that didn't even realize they needed it until it's in their hands.' Jake ShearsA rousing, colourful and joyous manifesto dedicated to misfits everywhere seeking empowerment, their tribe and themselves. In a world plagued by boring binaries, restrictive labels and blinkered expectations, it is easy to feel out of step or like you don't belong.Sink the Pink's Manifesto for Misfits is dedicated to you: from finding your power to dreaming big, owning your space to chasing your joy, embracing your uniqueness to broadening your narrative, each cis-tem-crashing chapter will revolutionise how you see yourself, no matter where you are on your journey. Discover within thinkpieces, reflective exercises and living testimony from a brave community of self-proclaimed eccentrics, freaks, geeks, rebels and oddballs - including Jade Thirlwall (Little Mix), Yungblud and Spice Girl Mel C - to remind yourself that you are not alone and weirdos win in the end. Too fat, too femme, too weird, too much...lifelong outsider and inclusivity campaigner Glyn Fussell challenges such toxic notions, forces you to question the powers at play and confront internalised demons. With each of his witty commandments, you will learn why and how to reject the status quo tolive your life your way. He is the founder of Sink the Pink, the largest LGBTQ+ collective in the UK, whose events offer a portal to another world where anything is possible and everyone is welcome.His perspective-shifting book is an antidote to confusion, fear and repression. Feel the love, find self-acceptance and let your freak flag fly. Foreword by Lily Allen.
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Aktuálna Ø cena knihy Sink the Pink's Manifesto for Misfits je 18,95 €

Výber kníh autorov White Lion Publishing , Glyn Fussell

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora White Lion Publishing, Glyn Fussell
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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