Soft Cell sú anglické synthpopové duo, ktoré sa dostalo do
povedomia začiatkom 80. rokov minulého storočia. Duo tvoria
vokalista Marc Almond a inštrumentalista David Ball. Kapela je
známa predovšetkým pre ich hitovú verziu „Tainted Love“ z roku 1981
a ich platinový debutový album Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret. V Spojenom
kráľovstve mala Soft Cell 12 najlepších 40 hitov vrátane „Tainted
Love“ (No 1), „Torch“ (No 2), „Say Hello, Wave Goodbye“, „What“ (No
3) a "Bedsitter" (No 4). V rokoch 1981 až 1984 mali tiež štyri top
20 albumov. V roku 1984 sa duo rozdelilo; v roku 2001 sa však
zreformovali na turné a vydanie nového albumu. 30. septembra 2018
usporiadali reunionový koncert v Londýne, pričom uviedli, že to
bude ich posledné živé vystúpenie vo Veľkej Británii ako duo, ale
že ešte môžu vystupovať v zahraničí a nahrávať spolu.Piesne Soft
Cell prebrali niekoľkí umelci, vrátane Davida Graya, Coil a Nine
Inch Nails. Ich skladba „Memorabilia“ získala uznanie pre skupinu
ako priekopníkov žánru techno orientovaného na syntetizátory.[5]
Duo predalo viac ako desať miliónov nahrávok po celom svete. Super
Deluxe Edition Box Set s 98 skladbami, čo z neho robí dokonalú
verziu albumu a obsahuje 40 nevydaných skladieb.Mercury-EMI / UMR s
hrdosťou predstavujú včasnú oslavu legendárneho debutu Non-Stop
Erotic Cabaret od Soft Cell z roku 1981 s rôznymi doplnkovými
doplnkami a raritami. Debutový album od Marca Almonda a Davea Balla
AKA Soft Cell je skutočne ikonou elektronickej hudby. Non-Stop
Erotic Cabaret predstavil svetu klasické single „Tainted Love“
(jeden z najväčších svetových hitov všetkých čias) „Bedsitter“ a
„Say Hello Wave Goodbye“, ale rovnako šokoval a potešil
10-skladbový piesňový cyklus priamo zo zašlejšej, špinavejšej a
temnejšej stránky života. „Sex Dwarf“, „Frustration“, „My Secret
Life“, „Seedy Films“... po štyroch desaťročiach má stále silu
vzrušovať, šokovať a omdlievať. Tracklist: Disc 1: 01. Frustration
- Soft Cell (4.12) 02. Tainted Love - Soft Cell (2.35) 03. Seedy
Films - Soft Cell (5.05) 04. Youth - Soft Cell (3.21) 05. Sex Dwarf
- Soft Cell (5.47) 06. Entertain Me - Soft Cell (3) 07. Chips On My
Shoulder - Soft Cell (4.06) 08. Bedsitter - Soft Cell (3.36) 09.
Secret Life - Soft Cell (3.37) 10. Say Hello Wave Goodbye - Soft
Cell (5.34) 11. Memorabilia (Single Version) (Bonus Track) - Soft
Cell (4.49) 12. A Man Could Get Lost (Single Version) (Bonus Track)
- Soft Cell (3.17) 13. Persuasion (Edit of 12" Single B-side)
(Bonus Track) - Soft Cell (3.36) 14. Where Did Our Love Go? (Single
B-side) (Bonus Track) - Soft Cell (3.14) 15. Facility Girls (Single
B-side) (Bonus Track) - Soft Cell (2.23) 16. Fun City (Edit of 12"
Single B-side) (Bonus Track) - Soft Cell (4.24) 17. Torch (Single
Version) (Bonus Track) - Soft Cell (4.08) 18. Insecure Me (Single
B-side) (Bonus Track) - Soft Cell (3.1) 19. What! (Single Version)
(Bonus Track) - Soft Cell (2.51) 20. ...So (Single B-side) (Bonus
Track) - Soft Cell (3.49) Disc 2: 01. Frustration (Extended
Version) - Soft Cell (6.02) 02. Tainted Love (2021 10" Extended
Version) - Soft Cell (5.05) 03. Seedy Films (2023 Extended Version)
- Soft Cell (5.16) 04. Youth (2018 Wasted On the Young Extended
Version) - Soft Cell (5.41) 05. Sex Dwarf (2023 Extended Version) -
Soft Cell (5.45) 06. Entertain Me (2023 Extended Version) - Soft
Cell (6.05) 07. Chips On My Shoulder (2018 Extended Version) - Soft
Cell (6.16) 08. Bedsitter (1981 Original 12" Mix) - Soft Cell
(7.52) 09. Secret Life (2018 Extended Version) - Soft Cell (5.2)
10. Say Hello Wave Goodbye (2018 Dave Ball Lateral Mix ) - Soft
Cell (7.07) 11. A Man Could Get Lost (2023 Extended Version) - Soft
Cell (5.08) 12. Memorablia (Daniel Miller 2023 Remix) - Soft Cell
(5.16) 13. Memorablia (The Hacker 2023 Remix) - Soft Cell (6.37)
Disc 3: 01. A Revelation (Tintwhistle Band Version) - Soft Cell
(3.32) 02. Tainted Love (New 2023 Version) - Soft Cell (3.01) 03.
Seedy Films (Richard X Remix) - Soft Cell (5.2) 04. Youth (Dave
Ball Warhol Funeral Mix) - Soft Cell (3.05) 05. Sex Dwarf (Live On
BBC Old Grey Whistle Test 4th February 1982) - Soft Cell (5.16) 06.
Entertain Me (Richard Skinner Session Radio 1 26th July 1981) -
Soft Cell (3.45) 07. Chips On My Shoulder (Live from The Oxford
Road Show 22nd January 1982) - Soft Cell (3.28) 08. Bedsitter
(Richard Skinner Session Radio 1 26th July 1981) - Soft Cell (3.34)
09. Secret Life (George Demure Remix) - Soft Cell (5.1) 10. Say
Hello Wave Goodbye (Live from The Oxford Road Show 22nd January
1982) - Soft Cell (4.33) 11. A Man Could Get Lost (Live at Leeds
Warehouse 16th July 2018) - Soft Cell (3.3) 12. Torch (Live from
Top of the Pops 2 28th January 2002) - Soft Cell (4.05) 13. Tainted
Love/Where Did Our Love Go (US Radio Edit) - Soft Cell (4.01) 14.
Seedy Films (Richard Skinner Session Radio 1 26th July 1981) - Soft
Cell (3.58) 15. Youth (Live On BBC Old Grey Whistle Test 4th
February 1982) - Soft Cell (3.15) 16. Chips On My Soldier (Richard
Skinner Session Radio 1 26th July 1981) - Soft Cell (4.2) 17.
Tainted Love (Live from Top of the Pops 1981 Reunion 2001) - Soft
Cell (3.14) 18. Bedsitter ( Flexipop Version) - Soft Cell (3.45)
19. Memoribilia (2023 Dub Mix) - Soft Cell (5.44) 20. Tainted Love
(Aborted 1981 Studio Take) - Soft Cell (1.07) Disc 4: 01.
Frustration (Instrumental) - Soft Cell (4.15) 02. Tainted Love
(Instrumental) - Soft Cell (3.01) 03. Seeds Films (Instrumental) -
Soft Cell (5.1) 04. Youth (Instrumental) - Soft Cell (3.25) 05. Sex
Dwarf (Instrumental) - Soft Cell (5.15) 06. Entertain Me
(Instrumental) - Soft Cell (2.57) 07. Chips On My Shoulder
(Instrumental) - Soft Cell (4.09) 08. Bedsitter (Instrumental) -
Soft Cell (3.39) 09. Secret Life (Instrumental) - Soft Cell (4.03)
10. Say Hello Wave Goodbye (Single B-side Instrumental) - Soft Cell
(3.54) 11. A Man Could Get Lost (Original Daniel Miller
Instrumental Version) - Soft Cell (3.3) 12. Torch (Instrumental) -
Soft Cell (4.12) 13. What! (Instrumental) - Soft Cell (3.11) 14.
Insecure Me (Instrumental) - Soft Cell (3.12) 15. Tainted Love
(Original 1981 Daniel Miller Demo) (Demo) - Soft Cell (2.47) 16.
Seedy Films (Original 1981 Demo) (Demo) - Soft Cell (4.02) 17. Sex
Dwarf (Original 1981 Demo) (Demo) - Soft Cell (6.53) 18. Chips On
My Shoulder (Original 1981 Demo) (Demo) - Soft Cell (3.5) 19.
Secret Life (Original 1981 Demo) (Demo) - Soft Cell (3.39) 20. Say
Hello Wabe Goodbye (Original 1981 Demo) (Demo) - Soft Cell (4.39)
Disc 5: 01. Tainted Love/Where Did Our Love Go? (Original 12"
Version) - Soft Cell (8.57) 02. Memoribilia (Original 12" Version)
- Soft Cell (7.47) 03. Torch (Original 12" Version) - Soft Cell
(8.28) 04. What! (Original 12" Version) - Soft Cell (6.09) 05.
Tainted Dub (Original 12" Version) - Soft Cell (9.14) 06.
Persuasion (Original 12" Version) - Soft Cell (7.35) 07. Faculty
Girls (Original 12" Version) - Soft Cell (7.16) 08. Fun City
(Original 12" Version) - Soft Cell (7.33) 09. Insecure Me (Original
12" Version) - Soft Cell (8.16) 10. ...So (Original 12" Version) -
Soft Cell (8.29) Disc 6 1. Frustration (Live at Eventim Apollo
London November 2021) - Soft Cell 2. Tainted Love (Live at Eventim
Apollo London November 2021) - Soft Cell 3. Seedy Films (Live at
Eventim Apollo London November 2021) - Soft Cell 4. Youth (Live at
Eventim Apollo London November 2021) - Soft Cell 5. Sex Dwarf (Live
at Eventim Apollo London November 2021) - Soft Cell 6. Entertain Me
(Live at Eventim Apollo London November 2021) - Soft Cell 7. Chips
On My Shoulder (Live at Eventim Apollo London November 2021) - Soft
Cell 8. Bedsitter (Live at Eventim Apollo London November 2021) -
Soft Cell 9. Secret Life (Live at Eventim Apollo London November
2021) - Soft Cell 10. Say Hello Wave Goodbye (Live at Eventim
Apollo London November 2021) - Soft Cell 11. Torch (Live at Eventim
Apollo London November 2021) - Soft Cell 12. Memoribilia (Live at
Eventim Apollo London November 2021) - Soft Cell 13. Insecure Me
(Live at O2 Arena London 30 September 2018) - Soft Cell 14. What!
(Live at O2 Arena London 30 September 2018) - Soft Cell 15. Tainted
Love/Where Did Our Love Go? (Live at O2 Arena London 30 September
2018) - Soft Cell
Vývoj ceny
Aktuálna Ø cena knihy Soft Cell - Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret (Super Deluxe Edition) 6CD je 75,04 €
Najočakávanejšia epická fantasy sága roka! V krajine bez akejkoľvek
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