Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Don't miss the exclusive content in this thrilling adaptation ofSolo: A Star Wars Story, with scenes from alternate versions of the script including Han Solo's time in the Imperial Navy, Qi'ra's past, the beginnings of the rebellion, and more!Though Han Solo has thrilled Star Warsfans for decades, the notorious wisecracking scoundrel was chasing adventure and dodging trouble long before he walked into the cantina at Mos Eisley spaceport.Young Han dreams of someday soaring into space at the helm of his own starship and leaving his home, the gritty industrial planet Corellia, far behind. But as long as he's trapped in a life of poverty and crimeand under the thumb of the sinister Lady Proxima and her brutal street gangreaching the distant stars seems impossible. When Han tries to escape with his girlfriend and partner-in-crime, Qi'ra, he makes it outbut she doesn't.Desperate for a way to find his own offworld vessel and free her, Han enlists in the Imperial Navythe last place for a rebellious loner who doesn't play well with others.When the Empire clips his wings, Han goes rogue and plunges into the shady world of smugglers, gamblers, and con artists. There he meets the charming and cunning high roller Lando Calrissian, makes an unlikely friend in a cantankerous Wookiee called Chewbacca, and first lays eyes on the Millennium Falcon. To snag his piece of the outlaw pie, Han joins a crew of pirates to pull off a risky heist.The stakes are high, the danger is great, and the odds are slim. But never tell Han Solo the odds.Praise for Solo: A Star Wars Story',Mur Lafferty has given us the best adaptation of a Star Warsfilm yet.'Star Wars News Net',If you liked the movie but were left wanting more, this novel has exactly what you need.'CNET',A fun adventure tale within the larger Star Wars franchise that goes beyond the run-of-the-mill novelization treatment to explore a new bit of the world that we haven't yet seen.'The Verge
Výber kníh autorov Mur Lafferty , Del Rey

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