St. Francis of Assisi - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
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Chesterton was an orthodox religious person, eventually converting
to Roman Catholicism. In 1923, he wrote this short biography of St.
Francis of Assisi, after whom Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio chose
his papal name, Pope Francis, when he was elected as the 266th and
current Pope of the Catholic Church, on 13 March 2013. The
biography of St. Francis may help one understand why the Pope chose
St. Francis as his namesake. Chesterton begins:"A sketch of St.
Francis of Assisi in modern English may be written in one of three
ways. Between these the writer must make his selection; ... First,
he may deal with this great and most amazing man as a figure in
secular history and a model of social virtues. ... Second, he may
go to the opposite extreme, and decide, as it were, to be defiantly
devotional. ... Third, he may try to do what I have tried to do
here; ... I am here addressing the ordinary common man, sympathetic
but sceptical, and I can only rather hazily hope that, by
approaching the great saint's story through what is evidently
picturesque and popular about it, I may at least leave the reader
understanding a little more than he did before of the consistency
of a complete character; ...." "Here is an historical character
which is admittedly attractive to many of us already, by its
gaiety, its romantic imagination, its spiritual courtesy and
cameraderie, but which also contains elements (evidently equally
sincere and emphatic) which seem to you quite remote and repulsive.
But after all, this man was a man and not half a dozen men. What
seems inconsistency to you did not seem inconsistency to him. Let
us see whether we can understand, with the help of the existing
understanding, these other things that now seem to be doubly dark,
by their intrinsic gloom and their ironic contrast."