Stash : My Life in Hiding

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Stash : My Life in Hiding kúpite na
18,95 €
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Krátky popis
",An emotionally absorbing and swiftly paced multisensory experience.", --The New York Times Book Review Named a Best Memoir of 2023 by Elle In the vein of Somebody's Daughter, this wild, vivid addiction memoir from the host of the podcast The Only One in the Room ",will inspire, awe, entertain, educate, and help so many readers", (Christie Tate, New York Times bestselling author) with a journey to sobriety and self-love amidst privilege and racism. After years of hiding her addiction from everyone--stockpiling pills in her Louboutins and elaborately scheduling her withdrawals between PTA meetings, baby showers, and tennis matches--Laura Cathcart Robbins is running out of places to hide. She has learned the hard way that even her high-profile marriage and Hollywood lifestyle can't protect her from the pain she's keeping bottled up inside. Facing divorce, the possibility of a grueling custody battle, and the insistent voice of internalized racism that nags at her as a Black woman in a startlingly white world, Laura wonders just how much more she can take. Now, with courageous and candid openness, she reveals how she started the long journey towards sobriety, unexpectedly found new love, and dismantled the wall she had built around herself, brick by brick. With its raw, finely crafted, and engaging prose, Stash is ",emotionally riveting...usher[ing] in a new way for us to talk and read about the paradoxes of addiction, race, family, class, and gender.", (Kiese Laymon, author of Heavy).
Výber kníh autorov ATRIA BOOKS , Laura Cathcart Robbins

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora ATRIA BOOKS, Laura Cathcart Robbins
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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