Stickers are an independent, creative form of expression and an
integral part of contemporary street art and visual culture.
Favoured amongst street artists, graphic designers, illustrators
and typographers, they have become a common phenomenon throughout
cities all over the world. Inexpensive and easy to produce,
stickers often aid in effective guerrilla advertising campaigns or
individuals making their mark on their urban landscape. Stickers 2
presents over 150 international artists who are expressing
themselves through this versatile medium. Stickers are created from
various materials and techniques by hand, photocopies and posters
that are wheat-pasted to walls. Motifs vary from quick sketches and
figures to complex designs and artworks that are often perceived as
logos and tags, widely repeated and distributed through a practice
called sticker bombing. The messages stickers spread are ephemeral,
subversive and humorous and the simple and quick means of
production lends to their flexible and spontaneous nature. Stickers
2 is a collection of over 700 stunning examples of contemporary
sticker designs from around the world, spanning cities and rural
areas across the USA, Brazil, Australia, Singapore and Europe.
Essays and contributions by artists and connoisseurs of the scene
provide further insight into the background of this underground
phenomenon. The authors of this book are the founders of the
International Sticker Awards.
Piate pokračovanie najúspešnejšej tínedžerskej fantasy ságy
súčasnosti. Prečítajte a podľahnite sérii Trón zo skla tak ako
milióny čitateľov po celom svete! Dlhá cesta na trón sa pre Aelin
Galathynius ešte len začala. Prisahala však, že sa svojmu
kráľovstvu už nikdy neotočí chrbtom. Hlavne, ak je jediná, kto
dokáže zostaviť armádu proti Temnému kráľovi a jeho beštiám. No
Erawan neohrozuje Aelin len svojím vojskom, ale aj tieňmi z jej
minulosti, bývalými spojencami a nepriateľmi. Na obzore sa však
črtá vojna nebývalých rozmerov a Aelin sa musí rozhodnúť, koho a čo
obetuje, aby zachránila svoj svet pred úplným zničením.
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