The gorgeously summery new book from Sue Moorcroft, coming May 2022
- pre-order now! Sparkling sun, strolls in the gorgeous French
countryside, that first sip of cool, crisp wine - Summer is Kat's
favourite season. And this year should be no exception... As soon
as Kat Jenson set foot in the idyllic French village of
Kirchhoffen, she knew she'd found her home.Now she has a dreamy
boyfriend, a delightful dog and the perfect job managing a bustling
book cafe in the vibrant Parc Lemmel. But when she learns her
boyfriend isn't all he seems, it's the start of a difficult summer
for Kat. Vindictive troublemakers, work woes and family heartache
follow, and the clear blue sky that was her life suddenly seems
full of clouds.Then she gets to know the mysterious Noah, and her
sun begins to shine brighter than ever. But Noah has problems of
his own - ones that could scupper their new-found happiness.
Together, can they overcome their many obstacles, and find love
again? The perfect summer read for fans of Trisha Ashley, Sarah
Morgan and Carole Matthews.'Sue's writing sparkles like the summer
sun.' Sheila O'Flanagan 'An absolutely gorgeous French escape full
of sunshine - I loved it!' Rachael Lucas 'Charming, uplifting and
utterly delightful - I was totally swept up in this gorgeous book!'
Holly Martin 'A joyous slice of summer sunshine, gloriously
uplifting and the perfect escape.' Alex Brown Readers LOVE Summer
at the French Cafe! 'I was transported to beautiful French villages
and an idyllic book cafe&,lt,...I couldn't put it down.'
'Perfect summer, laughter, friendship,
relationships, gorgeous food and heavenly summer days!' 'A great,
uplifting romance!' 'I felt like I was sat reading this in the
glorious French sunshine' 'Uplifting and light-hearted...I read it
in one sitting.' 'Glorious. Escape from your armchair to the sunny
climes of a village in France.' 'The perfect escapism between the
pages of a book.'
Vývoj ceny
Aktuálna Ø cena knihy Summer at the French Cafe je 10,40 €
Najočakávanejšia epická fantasy sága roka! V krajine bez akejkoľvek
mágie, kde vládne krutý kráľ, je na kráľovský dvor povolaná
najnebezpečnejšia nájomná vrahyňa. Prichádza, aby získala späť
svoju slobodu, nie aby zabila kráľa. Ak v turnaji porazí dvadsaťtri
nájomných vrahov, zlodejov a žoldnierov, prepustia ju z väzenia a
po štvorročnej službe ako kráľova šampiónka získa späť svoju
slobodu. Jej meno je Celaena Sardothien. Korunný princ si Celaenu
na túto úlohu najal a je jej jediným spojencom. Kapitán kráľovskej
gardy je zas jej pravým ochrancom. V komnatách a chodbách Zámku zo
skla sa však schováva niečo oveľa nebezpečnejšie... A keď začne
Celaeniných protivníkov niekto po jednom likvidovať, jej zápas o
slobodu sa mení na boj o holé prežitie. Tajomný nepriateľ sa totiž
neuspokojí, kým nebude ležať celý svet v troskách.
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