Tell Me Three Things

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12,30 €
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A New York TimesBestseller ",Here are three things about this book: (1) It's . . . funny and romantic, (2) the mystery at the heart of the story will keep you turning the pages, (3) I have a feeling you'll be very happy you read it.", --Jennifer E. Smith, author of The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight With the perfect mix of comedy and tragedy, love and loss, and pain and elation, the characters in Julie Buxbaum's Tell Me Three Thingscome to feel like old friends who make any day better. This YA novel is sure to appeal to fans of Rainbow Rowell, Jennifer Niven, and E. Lockhart. Everything about Jessie is wrong. At least, that's what it feels like during her first week of junior year at her new ultra-intimidating prep school in Los Angeles. It's been barely two years since her mother's death, and because her father eloped with a woman he met online, Jessie has been forced to move across the country to live with her stepmonster and her pretentious teenage son, and to start at a new school where she knows no one. Just when she's thinking about hightailing it back to Chicago, she gets an email from a person calling themselves Somebody/Nobody (SN for short), offering to help her navigate the wilds of Wood Valley High School. Is it an elaborate hoax? Or can she rely on SN for some much-needed help? In a leap of faith--or an act of complete desperation--Jessie begins to rely on SN, and SN quickly becomes her lifeline and closest ally. Jessie can't help wanting to meet SN in person. But are some mysteries better left unsolved? More praise for TELL ME THREE THINGS ",Three Things about this novel: (1) I loved it. (2) No, really, I LOVED it. (3) I wish I could tell every teen to read it. Buxbaum's book sounds, reads, breathes, worries, and soars like real adolescents do.", --Jodi Picoult, New York Times bestselling author of Leaving Time and Off the Page ",The desire to find out whether Jessie's real-life and virtual crushes are one and the same will keep [readers] turning the pages as quickly as possible.", --PW, Starred ",A heartfelt, wryly perceptive account of coming to terms with irrevocable loss when life itself means inevitable change.", --Kirkus",Buxbaum's debut is hard to put down because of its smooth and captivating text. The addition of virtual conversations through email and chatting adds to the exciting plot twist.", --SLJ
Výber kníh autorov Julie Buxbaum , Ember

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