The Awakening

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10,93 €
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Krátky popis
From Sunday Times bestseller Nora Roberts - a tale of adventure, magic and finding your home Mists, shimmering silver fingers, rose over the pale green water of the lake. They twined and twisted toward a sky quietly grey, while in the east, over the hills, a pink blush waited, like a held breath, to waken. Breen Kelly had always been a rule follower.So, when her father left when she was twelve years old, promising to return, she waited. Now, more than a decade later, she's working at a job she hates and is tired of the life that playing by the rules has dealt her. It's time to make a change.Breen makes a leap into the unknown with a summer trip to Ireland - her father's homeland. Little does she know how much of a leap until a walk in the woods leads her through a portal into another world - Talamh - where Breen will find magic, family and a destiny she could never have dreamed ofThe bestselling author of the epic Chronicles of The One trilogy, returns with the first in a brand new trilogy where parallel worlds clash over the struggle between good and evil. 'If you're after the perfect pick-me-up, take-me-away-from-the-world read, then she's your woman' The Guardian'Nora Roberts is, quite simply, a one-woman phenomenon'Heat'I love Nora Roberts'Stephen King
Výber kníh autorov Nora Roberts , Little , Brown Book Group

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Kráľovná v tieňoch (Trón zo skla 4)
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