The Basilisk Throne

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12,30 €
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Master and Commander meets A Game of Thrones and Pirates of the Caribbean. Rapid-paced high fantasy with all-out combat on the high seas, and a canny young woman who faces the hidden threats of an imperial court. Yet the key to defeating a sorcerous enemy may lie with a wild rogue and the slave of a maniac.For centuries those on the Basilisk Throne have ruled every continent, brutally enslaving the human inhabitants. But now, after endless wars, the three human empires of Ophion, Velesa, and Modjal have pushed the inhuman Drehhu back to their heartland and are united in one final, massive assault to defeat them forever. It's been tried before, but the infernal weapons and dark magic of the Drehhu have always triumphed.Basilisk has never fallen. Commanding his merchant fleet in support of the human forces, Alastor Nevelon and his son Crespin set sail against the enemy-and this time they have their own secret weapons. The Drehhu, however, do not have a monopoly on deceit.or ambition. Alistor is forced to send his daughter Chrysanthe to the capitol city Ophion Magne as a ",token", of his loyalty. He does so freely, for he is certain of treachery within the very empire he serves.After all, whomever controls the Basilisk Throne can control the world. He instructs Chrysanthe to use her considerable intellect to discover whatever plots may be afoot in the heart of Ophion. Chrysanthe agrees, knowing that in doing so she enters a dangerous place where courtly manners hide murderous intentions.While nations collide and the conflict explodes, the true key to defeating the Drehhu may lie in a remote mountain stronghold, a wild rogue known as Hound, and Ammolite, the young slave of a sorcerer more ancient than any nation and whose true loyalties are entirely unknown.
Výber kníh autorov Greg Keyes , Titan Books Ltd

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Greg Keyes, Titan Books Ltd
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

Zobraziť všetky knihy vydavateľa Slovart
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