The Biblical Molecule - Joe Vodny

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The Biblical Molecule - Joe Vodny kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
39,00 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
What will you find in the book? A description of the greatest secret of human life. All the important information about the Molecule. Information about the infinite renewal system, how it was discovered, how it works, why the Molecule is a key factor in this. Why do we live to a maximum of 120 years. Where Homo Sapiens make mistakes when they fail to stop aging and death. Why the revolutionary Hi -Tech Medical field will be the future of medicine, prevention and therapy for everyone. Instructions and a system for everyone to start regulating their age and quality of life. Why the molecule is the main cause of more than 90% of chronic diseases and why it can also save you. A formula and a calculator, that you can use to calculate and estimate the length of your life. An opportunity to participate in a new global project and study, minimizing the risk of death and studying the use of the potential of immortality. What is the charm and uniqueness of the project and study for patients on dialysis, with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cancer patients and thyroid gland diseases? Using the example for the different life spans of worker bees (aged 3-6 months) and queen bees (age 3-6 years), which have the same genetic material, the book describes and explains the unused system of infinite human renewal. Why could some people live as many years as the Bible says. Using the example of comparing the different number of molecules in the medium, in monkeys and humans, we explain the new evolutionary theory of humans. Special area dedicated to women and pregnant women. Entire generations have searched for the elixir of youth and immortality. This book will reveal why they weren´t able to find it yet,and how this might now become possible. Quotes demonstrating fear: „Because we are destined to get cancer, I had preventive surgery on my ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and I had mastectomy.“ It is the horror and tragedy of ignorance in the 21st century, which must not be repeated!
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