The Charlie Method

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11,02 €
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Krátky popis
Welcome back to Briar U!Discover the next generation in this icy-hot spin-off series from The Queen of Hockey Romance, Elle Kennedy!College senior Charlotte Kingston is living two lives - and she's nailing both of them. By day, she's the perfect sorority girl, a STEM student in biomedical engineering, and the adopted daughter of an overachiever family. At night, she's Charlie: a risk-taking daredevil looking for fun who finds herself chatting on a dating app with two anonymous hotties.Will Larsen may seem like the breezy boy next door, but his congressman father is a constant thorn in his side. After a scandal hits another Division 1 hockey program, Will's dad is determined to distance his son from it, hiring a journalist to prove how squeaky-clean Will and his team are. Which means the last thing Will wants is for anyone to find out he and his best friend Beckett Dunne - a laidback Aussie shielding secret heartache - sometimes share girls in the bedroom.When Charlie finally meets them in person and realizes she's been chatting with two gorgeous Briar U hockey players, things get steamy - fast. But all their messy secrets are piling up, and real life soon threatens to shatter the fantasy. With Charlie, Will, and Beckett all coming to terms with what they want and what others want for them, difficult decisions will need to be made.Especially when lust starts to look a lot like love.Why fans love Elle Kennedy . . .'Delicious, complicated and drama-filled . . . I read it in one sitting, and you will, too' L. J. Shen'A deliciously sexy story with a wallop of emotions that sneaks up on you' Vi Keeland'The best college romance I've read. It had epic banter, sexy romance, and fantastic writing!! I laughed, I swooned, I couldn't put it down. Highly recommended!!' Goodreads Review'Elle Kennedy proves, once again, that she is the Queen of College Hockey Romance!!' Goodreads Review
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Viete o tom, že čertov obraz nad hlavným vchodom do bratislavskej Starej radnice sa nedá zamaľovať, hoci sa o to pokúšal nejeden maliar? Poznáte príbeh o mníchovi z Blatnického hradu, ktorého lebka so zámkou na spodnej čeľusti je uložená v Národnom múzeu v Budapešti? A tušíte, že vo Vajnoroch sa stále rodí taká mocná vínna réva, čo porazí draka? Naše slovenské povesti majú rovnakú silu ako víno, čo rokmi dozrieva a stúpa na hodnote. Poodhalia vám rúško dávnej minulosti, osudy bohatých i biednych aj tajomný svet zakliatych panien, bosoriek, vodníkov, čertov a ďalších prízrakov, čo dodnes strážia poklady v tajných chodbách, štrngocú kľúčmi, za splnu príšerne kvília alebo vám fúknu do tváre mŕtvolný chlad, z ktorého mrazí a vlasy vstávajú dupkom... Preneste sa o niekoľko storočí späť a príjemne sa chvejte pri čítaní strašidelných povestí! S ilustráciami Svetozára Košického Pre čitateľov od 10 rokov