The Clean Plate

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The Clean Plate kúpite na
30,35 €
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Delicious food can heal the body. Reset and rebalance with clean recipes that are flexible and easy for busy weeknight meals or lunches on the go, and healthy enough for more intensive, doctor-supported cleanses. Gwyneth Paltrow gets the power of simple, quality food.Her recipes focus on delicious flavours and clean ingredients - pillars that have launched her cookbooks to bestseller status. Now she's back with her most ambitious cookbook to date: a collection of 100-plus recipes and customisable meal plans that offer taste, simplicity and targeted health benefits. This food-lover's cookbook brings everything to the table - from smoothies and soups to bowls, entrees, snacks and desserts - with the ease and flavour that we have come to expect from Paltrow and her team at GOOP.Highlights include instant staples like Turkey Meatball Pho, Sheet Pan Chicken Broccolini and Butternut Squash Tacos, and sweet treats like Cashew Turmeric Iced Lattes and Chocolate Chia Pudding. Beyond the appealing recipes, THE CLEAN PLATE has meal plans, detoxes and cleanses to address the reader's specific needs and desired results. Supported by Paltrow's team of nutrition experts and doctors, the book offers specific eating focused on:Adrenal Support (with Dr.Alejandro Junger)Heart Health (with Dr. Steven Gundry)Candida (with Dr. Amy Myers)Heavy Metal Detox (with Dr.James Novak)Fat Flush (with Dr. Taz Bhatia)Veg-Friendly Ayurveda (with Dr. Aruna Viswanathan)Full of go-to recipes and revitalising health tips, THE CLEAN PLATE is exactly the standout cookbook we have been waiting for, from the biggest name in clean eating.
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