She's been the victim and the survivor... Poppy never dreamed she
would find the love she's found with Prince Casteel. She wants to
revel in her happiness but first they must free his brother and
find hers. It's a dangerous mission and one with far-reaching
consequences neither dreamed of. Because Poppy is the Chosen, the
Blessed. The true ruler of Atlantia. She carries the blood of the
King of Gods within her. By right the crown and the kingdom are
hers. The enemy and the warrior... Poppy has only ever wanted to
control her own life, not the lives of others, but now she must
choose to either forsake her birthright or seize the gilded crown
and become the Queen of Flesh and Fire. But as the kingdoms' dark
sins and blood-drenched secrets finally unravel, a long-forgotten
power rises to pose a genuine threat. And they will stop at nothing
to ensure that the crown never sits upon Poppy's head. A lover and
heartmate... But the greatest threat to them and to Atlantia is
what awaits in the far west, where the Queen of Blood and Ash has
her own plans, ones she has waited hundreds of years to carry out.
Poppy and Casteel must consider the impossible-travel to the Lands
of the Gods and wake the King himself. And as shocking secrets and
the harshest betrayals come to light, and enemies emerge to
threaten everything Poppy and Casteel have fought for, they will
discover just how far they are willing to go for their people-and
each other. And now she will become Queen...
Štvrté pokračovanie najúspešnejšej fantasy série súčasnosti Trón zo
skla. Prečítaj a podľahni – séria Trón zo skla je aj tvoja nová
závislosť. Celaena sa vracia do nenávideného impéria. Aby sa
pomstila. Aby zachránila svoje kedysi mocné kráľovstvo a postavila
sa zoči-voči tieňom z minulosti. Odkedy akceptovala svoje férske
dedičstvo, už nie je najobávanejšou nájomnou vrahyňou Celaenou
Sardothien. Teraz je Aelin Galathynius, dedička terrasenského
kráľovského trónu. No kým sa zmocní trónu, musí bojovať. Za svojho
bratranca - bojovníka ochotného za ňu položiť vlastný život. Za
svojho priateľa - mladíka spútaného v temnom väzení. A za svoj ľud
zotročený surovým kráľom, za ľud očakávajúci návrat kráľovnej.
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