The Elements of Baking

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'As soon as I read The Elements of Baking, I knew it would have a permanent spot on my kitchen bookshelf.' Dorie Greenspan, New York Times bestselling author of Baking with DorieArmed with a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry, Katarina Cermelj lays out the science behind baking and the ingredients that make it work, so you can easily adapt your baking to your diet and lifestyle, and still make sure it tastes spectacular. With an abundance of mouth-watering recipes together with quantitative modification rules that you can use to convert any recipe into whatever version you fancy, The Elements of Baking will transform the way you think about ingredients. It will be a constant companion in the kitchen and the book you refer to every time you want to bake.Just like the recipes of her popular baking blog The Loopy Whisk, the recipes Katarina shares in her latest book are always approachable, reliable and incredibly delicious, ranging from savoury dishes like Gluten-free Cheesy Garlic Pull-apart Bread and Vegan Veggie &,amp, Hummus Galette to sweet delicacies like Dairy-free Apple Pie Cupcakes and Egg-free Lemon Swirl Cheesecake Bars. And the gluten-free vegan chapter will delight anyone who has to avoid gluten, eggs and dairy, with recipes such as Gluten-free Vegan Cinnamon Rolls and Guten-free Vegan Lemon Meringue Cake. With a completely novel approach to baking and modifying recipes, The Elements of Baking will demystify allergy-friendly baking once and for all.
Výber kníh autorov Hodder & Stoughton , Katarina Cermelj

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