The Expedition of a Nun - Robins Mathewson

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The Expedition of a Nun - Robins Mathewson kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
2,56 €
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About the Book: The Expedition of a Nun, a Psychological Suspense thriller novel, set against the backdrop of the southern Indian state of Kerala, tells the story of Akira Stephen, an intelligent young woman and the only child of a Christian, top-ranking bureaucrat father and an erudite Brahmin mother. Akira’s furtive investigation into the bizarre death of a co-nun perhaps constitutes the most thrilling part of the story. Her brave, relentless and rigorous investigative endeavours, while unravelling the mystery behind the suicide, uncovers some shockingly ugly hidden truths of the higher ecclesiastical order. Finely layered, the novel also has a delightful, tender, heart-touching love story running parallel to the main events of the story. About the Author: Mathewson Robins is a writer as well as a practicing psychologist with extensive experience in different branches and sub-branches of psychology. He is also a professionally qualified in IT and Human Resource Management and has worked in many prestigious organizations in different capacities in India and abroad. He has lived in different parts of the world and has enjoyed the privilege of dealing with people from almost 90 different nationalities, belonging to varied socio-economic, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds. This has helped him gain rich, valuable and intriguing perspectives on people and life, in general, which find expression in his writings. He is a known writer and has published several articles in different magazines in India and abroad. He also has a book on Psychology on his accord.
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