The Funniest Boy in the World

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The Funniest Boy in the World kúpite na
11,35 €
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Krátky popis
'Fun, unstuffy and wise' Sunday Times Children's Book of the Week ",It will have your children in stitches!", BBC Radio Manchester 'Very funny, very touching, very truthful - a total delight to read.' Jacqueline Wilson on THE BOY WHO MADE EVERYONE LAUGH 'Amazing' Noel Fielding The laugh-out-loud, against-all-odds triumph of a sequel to one of the bestselling children's debuts of 2021 SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2022 BLUE PETER BOOK AWARD SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2022 COSTA CHILDREN'S BOOK AWARD SELECTED FOR THE 2022 READ FOR EMPATHY COLLECTION Billy Plimpton took to the stage and captivated the crowd at the triumphant ending to THE BOY WHO MADE EVERYONE LAUGH, and in the sequel, he's going to go viral. Celebrity comedian Leo Leggett takes Billy under his wing, as his new sidekick: when Leo tweets a clip of his stand-up act, Billy suddenly becomes the most famous boy in the country. At first, this is GREAT - all the kids at school think he's cool and he gets to appear on his favourite morning TV show.But Leo's motives turn out to be shady and Billy must turn the tables in a very public way... The idea for this story came from Helen Rutter's son, who has a stammer: she wanted to write the book that he would love to read, starring a child like him. packed with brilliant jokes and one-liners to make kids roar with laughter a book to encourage empathy and kindness in young readers Perfect for fans of Jacqueline Wilson, Lisa Thompson and Jenny Pearson.Praise for The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh 'This incredible debut tugs at your heartstrings and makes you laugh out loud in equal measure. I guarantee you'll be cheering along in the final pages!' Lisa Thompson 'It's Wonder with one-liners.' Scott Evans, The Reader Teacher 'As warm and wise as it is funny.' Shappi Khorsandi 'A laugh out loud story, the like of which I've never read before.' Kerry Godliman 'This book is a great way of showing children how to be confident and winners by having a sense of humour and making others laugh.' Baroness Floella Benjamin 'This book is brilliant. It is funny, wise, kind and exciting.' Marcus Brigstocke 'So funny and joyful.' Rachel Parris
Výber kníh autorov Scholastic , Rutter Helen

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