Dan Sullivan shares his simple yet profound teaching that, until
now, has only been known to his Strategic Coach clients:
unsuccessful people focus on 'The Gap', but successful people focus
on 'The Gain'. Most people, especially highly ambitious people, are
unhappy because of how they measure their progress. We all have an
'ideal', a moving target that is always out of reach.When we
measure ourselves against that ideal, we're in 'the GAP'. However,
when we measure ourselves against our previous selves, we're in
'the GAIN'. That is where The GAP and The GAIN concept comes in.It
was developed by legendary entrepreneur coach Dan Sullivan and is
based on his work with tens of thousands of successful
entrepreneurs. When Dan's coaching clients periodically take stock
of all that they've accomplished - both personally and
professionally - they are often shocked at how much they have
actually achieved. They weren't able to appreciate their progress
because no matter how much they were getting done, they were
usually measuring themselves against their ideals or goals.In this
book you will learn that measuring your current self vs. your
former self has enormous psychological benefits. And that's really
the key to this deceptively simple yet multi-layered concept that
will have you feeling good, feeling grateful and feeling like you
are making progress even when times are tough, which will in turn
will bolster motivation, confidence and future success.If you're
finding that happiness eludes you no matter how much you've
achieved, then learning this easy mindset shift will set you on a
life-changing path to greater fulfilment and success.
Vývoj ceny
Aktuálna Ø cena knihy The Gap and The Gain je 27,50 €
Nový pracovný zošit je zameraný na prípravu na prijímacie pohovory
do prímy z predmetu matematika. Slúžiť môže aj ako doplnkový
pracovný zošit pre piatakov. Vzhľadom na zameranie pracovného
zošita sa v ňom objavujú aj úlohy, ktoré sú nad rámec vzdelávacieho
obsahu 5. ročníka ZŠ (ISCED). Úlohy preverujú nielen vedomosti a
zručnosti, ale aj finančnú a čitateľskú gramotnosť, aplikačné
schopnosti a ďalšie kľúčové kompetencie. Riešenia a vysvetlenia
riešení nie sú súčasťou tohto titulu, ale ich nájdete v samostatnom
titule, ktorý je určený nielen pre učiteľov, ale aj pre rodičov a
starých rodičov, ktorí budú budúcim primánom pomáhať pri príprave
na prijímacie pohovory. Zošity sú zostavené z dvoch častí: 1.časť
obsahuje opakovanie učiva v tematických okruhoch, 2.časť
predstavuje 6 autentických testov, ktoré boli súčasťou prijímacích
konaní na rôznych osemročných gymnáziách. Pracovný zošit prináša
rôzne typy úloh: *otvorené úlohy *úlohy s výberom jednej správnej
odpovede *úlohy s výberom viacerých správnych odpovedí
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