History of Graphic Design Voume 2

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History of Graphic Design Voume 2 kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
62,65 €
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In this second volume, Jens Müller rounds off the most comprehensive exploration of graphic design to date. With around 3,500 seminal piecesand 78 landmark projects, year-by-year spreads, and profiles of industry leaders, discover how graphic design shaped contemporary society from the 1960s until today, from the hippie movementto new forms of visual language.Through the turbulent passage of time, graphic design—with its vivid, neat synthesis of image and idea—has distilled the spirit of each age. Surrounding us every minute of every day, from minimalist packaging to colorful adverts, smart environmental graphics to sleek interfaces: graphic design is as much about transmitting information as it is about reflecting society’s cultural aspirationsand values.This second volume rounds off the most comprehensive exploration of graphic design to date, spanning from the 1960s until today. About 3,500 seminal designs from across the globeguide us in this visual map through contemporary history, from the establishment of the International Style to the rise of the groundbreaking digital age. Around 80 key piecesgo under the microscope in detailed analyses besides 118 biographies of the era’s most important designers, including Massimo Vignelli (New York subway wayfinding system), Otl Aicher (Lufthansa identity), Paula Scher (Citibank brand identity), Neville Brody (The Facemagazine), Kashiwa Sato (Uniqlo brand identity), and Stefan Sagmeister (handwriting posters).With his sweeping knowledge of the field, author Jens Müllercurates the standout designs for each yearalongside a running sequence of design milestones. Organized chronologically, each decade is prefaced by a succinct overviewas well as a stunning visual timeline, offering a vivid display of the variety of graphic production in each decade as well as the global landscape which it at once described and defined.This collection of important graphic works represents a long-overdue reflectionon the development of a creative field constantly changing and challenging itself. These key pieces act as coordinates through contemporary history, helping us trace the sheer influence of graphic design on our daily lives.The author Jens Müllerwas born in Koblenz, Germany, in 1982 and studied graphic design. Recipient of numerous national and international design awards, Müller is Creative Director of Optik design studio in Düsseldorf, editor of theA5book series on graphic design history, and author of Logo Modernism. He is a visiting lecturer at the Peter Behrens School of Arts in Düsseldorf and at the design department of the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts.The editor Julius Wiedemannstudied graphic design and marketing and was an art editor for newspapers and design magazines in Tokyo before joining TASCHEN in 2001. His titles include the Illustration Now!and Record Coversseries, as well as the infographics collection and books about advertising and visual culture.
Výber kníh autorov TASCHEN , Julius Wiedemann , Jens

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