The Household

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PRE-ORDER THE CAPTIVATING, HIGHLY ANTICIPATED NEW NOVEL, INSPIRED BY REAL HISTORICAL FIGURES AND EVENTSNOT ALL WHO ARE FALLEN WANT TO BE SAVEDLondon, 1847. In a quiet house in the countryside outside London, the finishing touches are being made to welcome a group of young women. The house and its location are top secret, its residents unknown to one another, but the girls have one thing in common: they are fallen.Offering refuge for prostitutes, petty thieves and the destitute, Urania Cottage is a second chance at life - but how badly do they want it?Meanwhile, a few miles away in a Piccadilly mansion, millionairess Angela Burdett-Coutts, one of the benefactors of Urania Cottage, makes a discovery that leaves her cold. Her stalker of ten years has been released from prison, and she knows it's only a matter of time before their nightmarish game resumes once more. As the women's worlds collide in ways they could never have expected, they will discover that freedom always comes at a price .. . The Household is the new novel from the award-winning, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Familiars, The Foundling and Mrs England.Set against Charles Dicken's home for fallen women and inspired by real figures from history, it is Stacey Halls' most ambitious and captivating novel yet. PRAISE FOR THE HOUSEHOLD and STACEY HALLS'With warm and artful prose this is a story richly realised and sympathetically imagined, making The Household undoubtedly my favourite novel written by Stacey Halls so far, whose writing goes from strength to strength. I loved it' Susan Stokes Chapman, Sunday Times bestselling author of Pandora'I devoured The Household by Stacey Halls.Meticulously researched and thoroughly entertaining, I was struck most of all by its hopefulness: about forgiveness, friendship, the choices we make and the opportunity for a second (or third) chance. This is undoubtedly Stacey Halls' best novel yet - I can't wait to see what she writes next' Elizabeth Macneal'Stacey Halls is a writer of great originality, great imagination and great sense of place. Atmospheric, intelligent, accessible, every novel is worth reading, then reading again and again' Kate Mosse'This novel is the very definition of unputdownable.I loved every one of the women connected to Urania Cottage. Original, engrossing and so true to life. My favourite Stacey Halls novel yet' Louise Hare'Stacey Halls' most ambitious and brilliant book so far.Complex and brilliantly-drawn characters and, at its heart, a message of friendship and hope. A triumph' Anna Mazzola'I loved The Household. Moving expertly between perspectives and locations, it is full of heart, humaneness and menace.I enjoyed every second' Beth Underdown*Sunday Times bestselling author of MRS ENGLAND June 2021 and January 2022**Winner of the Women's Prize Futures Award 2022-*
Výber kníh autorov Halls Stacey , Bonnier Books Ltd

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