The Irresistible Urge to Fall For Your Enemy

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21,38 €
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Krátky popis
'Utterly unique, hilarious, swoony beyond my wildest dreams! This book is an instant classic and a true masterpiece, it took my breath away and made my heart explode' Ali HazelwoodA slow burn, enemies-to-lovers romantasy featuring a scholarly healer and a gentleman assassin, set in an exquisite fantasy world, perfect for fans of The Love Hypothesis and Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries.Osric Mordaunt, member of the Fyren Order of assassins, is in dire need of healing. Naturally - such is the grim comedy of fate - the only healer who can help is Aurienne Fairhrim, preeminent scientist, bastion of moral good, and member of an enemy Order. Aurienne is desperate for funding to heal the sick - so desperate that, when Osric bribes her to help him, she accepts, even if she detests him and everything he stands for. A forced collaboration ensues: the brilliant Woman in STEM is coerced into working with the PhD in Murders, much to Aurienne's disgust. As Osric and Aurienne work together to heal his illness and investigate the mysterious reoccurrence of a deadly pox, they find themselves ardently denying their attraction, which only fuels the heat between them.Tropes include:Enemies-to-loversHigh interaction slow burnHypercompetent idiotsHe falls first and harderSlaughter as a love languagePraise for The Irresistible Urge to Fall For Your Enemy:'Brilliant and wildly imaginative, with a delicious forbidden romance set in a fascinating fantasy world. Knightley is a remarkable talent, weaving together witty comedy, slow-burn longing, and heart-wrenchingly poetic imagery' Sarah Hawley, author of A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon'With the most wickedly delicious banter, Brigitte Knightley is sure to become your next favourite author. This had all the things I love most: a slow-burn romance that hurts so good, truly agonizing enemies-to-lovers, with a twisty mystery at its core' Julie Soto, author of Forget Me Not'The slow burn romance of my dreams. Whip smart, creative, and brimming with banter and wit . . . both the hero and heroine had me laughing and shouting to just kiss already. This one is a rare delight' Isabel Ibanez, author of What the River Knows
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