The Line : An Adventure into the Unknown

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The Line : An Adventure into the Unknown kúpite na
12,30 €
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A deceptively simple adventure into the unknown using only paper, a pencil and a single line Wreck This Journal&,nbsp,had a simple premise: destroy the book in all the ways you can imagine. The Line&,nbsp,is even simpler: find pencil, start a line. As you move through the pages of Keri Smith's newest book, you'll be asked to let your line meander, explore the book's gutter, and jump around the edges of the pages. You'll hide your line, cut your line and even let someone else take over your line for a bit. The farther you get into the book, however, the more you'll discover that maybe things aren't as simple as they first seemed. The line has a mind of its own, and it's up to you to discover what's at the end of the line (hint: it's just the beginning).
Výber kníh autorov Keri Smith , Particular Books

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