the book that proves working mothers are shamefully mistreated' -
Daily Mail'Brearley's book leaves no stone unturned in what needs
to be done to remedy these problems going forward' - Vogue UK'Joeli
is one of the most tenacious and impressive campaigners I know, and
her work has had a massive positive impact on the lives of
thousands of women. Her work is invaluable, from setting up a vital
lifeline for women to learn about their rights on maternity
discrimination, to the frontlines of the Covid-19 crisis, where she
battled for women not to be left out of the picture altogether.' -
Laura BatesImagine suddenly being sacked from your job. After
spending years building your career, it's all taken away in just
one moment.Why? Because you told your boss you are pregnant. This
happened to Joeli Brearley. And she quickly realised she wasn't
alone - 54,000 women a year are forced out of their job because
they dared to procreate, and three quarters of working mothers face
workplace discrimination.And this was before the pandemic, with its
never-ending cycle of extraordinary childcare challenges and overt
pregnancy and maternity discrimination, resulting in a tsumani of
mothers exiting the labour force. Pregnant Then Screwed is an
expose of the unscrupulous work practices and antiquated systems
that we've been conditioned to accept and a toolkit for how to
challenge them. It's full of practical advice to help you navigate
systemic barriers when they slap you in the face.Whether you're a
mother who is sick of being sidelined, undermined, and underpaid. A
''stay at home'' mother who wants to work but can't. A future
parent who is scared that having children will affect your
career.An employer who wants to get the best out of its parent
employees, or you simply want a stronger, fairer economy, Pregnant
Then Screwed is a compelling manifesto for change and a call to
arms for all women.
Vývoj ceny
Aktuálna Ø cena knihy The Motherhood Penalty je 12,30 €
Nový pracovný zošit je zameraný na prípravu na prijímacie pohovory
do prímy z predmetu matematika. Slúžiť môže aj ako doplnkový
pracovný zošit pre piatakov. Vzhľadom na zameranie pracovného
zošita sa v ňom objavujú aj úlohy, ktoré sú nad rámec vzdelávacieho
obsahu 5. ročníka ZŠ (ISCED). Úlohy preverujú nielen vedomosti a
zručnosti, ale aj finančnú a čitateľskú gramotnosť, aplikačné
schopnosti a ďalšie kľúčové kompetencie. Riešenia a vysvetlenia
riešení nie sú súčasťou tohto titulu, ale ich nájdete v samostatnom
titule, ktorý je určený nielen pre učiteľov, ale aj pre rodičov a
starých rodičov, ktorí budú budúcim primánom pomáhať pri príprave
na prijímacie pohovory. Zošity sú zostavené z dvoch častí: 1.časť
obsahuje opakovanie učiva v tematických okruhoch, 2.časť
predstavuje 6 autentických testov, ktoré boli súčasťou prijímacích
konaní na rôznych osemročných gymnáziách. Pracovný zošit prináša
rôzne typy úloh: *otvorené úlohy *úlohy s výberom jednej správnej
odpovede *úlohy s výberom viacerých správnych odpovedí
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