The Murders at Fleat House is a suspenseful and utterly compelling
crime novel from the author of the multimillion-selling The Seven
Sisters series, Lucinda Riley. 'A thrilling whodunit for crime
fans. Another Lucinda Riley legacy to treasure' - Lancashire Post'A
cleverly woven mystery to savour' - Sunday ExpressThe sudden death
of a pupil in Fleat House at St Stephen's - a small private
boarding school in deepest Norfolk - is a shocking event that the
headmaster is very keen to call a tragic accident.But the local
police cannot rule out foul play and the case prompts the return of
high-flying Detective Inspector Jazmine 'Jazz' Hunter to the force.
Jazz has her own private reasons for stepping away from her police
career in London, and reluctantly agrees to front the investigation
as a favour to her old boss. Reunited with her loyal sergeant, she
enters the closed world of the school, and as Jazz begins to probe
the circumstances surrounding Charlie Cavendish's tragic death,
events are soon to take another troubling turn.Charlie is exposed
as an arrogant bully, and those around him had both motive and
opportunity to switch the drugs he took daily to control his
epilepsy. As staff at the school close ranks, the disappearance of
a young pupil and the death of an elderly classics master provide
Jazz with important leads, but are destined to complicate the
investigation further. As snow covers the landscape and another
suspect goes missing, Jazz must also confront her personal demons
.. . Then, a particularly grim discovery at the school makes this
the most challenging murder investigation of her career.Because
Fleat House hides secrets darker than even Jazz could ever have
imagined . . .
Šokujúco brutálny príbeh zločinca Juraja Jánošíka odohrávajúci sa v
posledných desaťročiach stavovských povstaní na území Uhorska je
úplne zbavený romantizujúceho pátosu a ukazuje jeho osobnú tragédiu
na pozadí krvavých udalostí konca 17. a začiatku 18. storočia.
Jánošík, Rákócziho pešiak, súčasť jeho divokej soldatesky zloženej
zo sedliakov a čvargy bez domova, naučený zabíjať, znásilňovať a
mučiť, sa po rozpade povstaleckej armády mení na lesného tvora
živiaceho sa zločinom. Jeho zatvrdnuté srdce trápené dávnym
tajomstvom sa začne premieňať až v okamihu, keď sa neodvratne
priblíži koniec. Až Jadviga, krčmárova dcéra, vyplní Jurišovu
pálčivú prázdnotu a dá jeho zbytočnej existencii zmysel. Zbojník
Jánošík netvorí dejiny, dejiny ho obklopujú. Majú podobu kniežaťa
Rákocziho, generála Mikuláša Bercsényiho, cisára Leopolda, veľkého
vojvodcu Eugena Savojského, encyklopedistu Mateja Bela a podobu
chlapca, ktorý sa o mnoho rokov neskôr stane lietajúcim Cypriánom.
Kaleidoskopický román o dejinách a predkoch prostredníctvom opisu
drásavo strašných osudov jednotlivých postáv formuluje otázky a
túžbu po odpovediach o zložitej identite štátov, národov i
jednotlivcov. Fotografie Mariana Čengel Solčanská.
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