The New Tao of Warren Buffett

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A new collection of simple yet powerful words and wisdom from Warren Buffett about today’s economy and how investing has changed in the past two decades&,nbsp,– from crypto to climate change&,nbsp,– compiled and commented upon by bestselling authors Mary Buffett and David Clark. Warren Buffett’s investment achievements are unparalleled. He owes his success to hard work, integrity, and the most elusive commodity of all, common sense.In The New Tao of Warren Buffett, Mary Buffett – coauthor of the bestselling Buffettology series – joins David Clark to bring readers more of Warren Buffett’s smartest, funniest, and most memorable sayings that reveal the life philosophy and the investment strategies that have made Warren Buffett, and the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway, so enormously wealthy. Collected from a variety of fresh sources, including personal conversations, corporate reports, profiles, and interviews, the new quotations here reflect Warren’s practical strategies and provide useful tips for every investor, large or small. Including short explanations for each quote and examples from Buffett’s own business transactions, these ruminations on everything from AI to inflation illustrate his words at work.Inspiring, thought-provoking and invaluable, this irresistibly browsable book offers priceless investment savvy that anyone can take to the bank – and is destined to become a new classic. &,nbsp,

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