The Perfect Son

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12,30 €
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From Sunday Times bestselling author Freida McFadden comes a dark and twisting psychological thriller about a mother who suspects her son of committing a terrible crime... But how far will she go to protect her family?***All families have secrets. But some secrets are deadly.Erika Cass has a perfect family and a perfect life. Until, one quiet evening, two detectives show up at her front door. ",Mrs.Cass, we were hoping your son could answer a few questions about the girl who disappeared last night...",A high school girl has vanished from their quiet neighbourhood, and the police suspect the worst. Erika's teenage son, Liam, was the last person to see the girl alive. Erika has always sensed something… different in her seemingly perfect oldest child.He’s charming, smart and popular, but mothers have the best instincts. Erika knows there’s more to her son than meets the eye. She wants to believe he's innocent, but as the evidence mounts, she can't deny the truth?Liam may have done the unthinkable.With The Perfect Son, bestselling author Freida McFadden delivers a twisted, thought-provoking crime thriller about a family’s loyalty pushed to the limits. TropesMissing GirlSuspensePsychological ThrillerSociopathic ChildMultiple POVsMother and Son***Amazon readers are gripped by this unputdownable psychological thriller:",WOW! ABSOLUTELY a must read, one of her best books yet!",",I couldn't put this book down. It kept you guessing and on the edge of your seat.I loved it and can't wait to read more of her books!",",This was an incredible story! I read it in one sitting because I had to know how it ended.",
Výber kníh autorov McFadden Freida , Poisoned Pen Press

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