The Pioneers: The Sources of the Susquehanna; a Descriptive Tale is
a historical novel, the first published of the Leatherstocking
Tales, a series of five novels by American writer James Fenimore
Cooper. While The Pioneers was published in 1823, before any of the
other Leatherstocking Tales, the period of time it covers makes it
the fourth chronologically.The story takes place on the rapidly
advancing frontier of New York State and features a middle-aged
Leatherstocking (Natty Bumppo), Judge Marmaduke Temple of
Templeton, whose life parallels that of the author's father Judge
William Cooper, and Elizabeth Temple (the author's sister Susan
Cooper), of Cooperstown. The story begins with an argument between
the Judge and the Leatherstocking over who killed a buck, and as
Cooper reviews many of the changes to New York's Lake Otsego,
questions of environmental stewardship, conservation, and use
prevail. The plot develops as the Leatherstocking and Chingachgook
begin to compete with the Temples for the loyalties of a mysterious
young visitor, "Oliver Edwards," the "young hunter," who eventually
marries Elizabeth. Chingachgook dies, exemplifying the vexed figure
of the "dying Indian," and Natty vanishes into the sunset. For all
its strange twists and turns, 'The Pioneers' may be considered one
of the first ecological novels in the United States.
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Tretí diel najúspešnejšej fantasy série súčasnosti Trón zo skla v
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