The Roommate

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Krátky popis
'Laugh-out-loud funny, bananas sexy, and deeply romantic' Andie J. Christopher 'This book IS PURE JOY' Christina LaurenClara Wheaton is the consummate good girl: over-achieving, well-mannered, utterly predictable. When her childhood crush invites her to move across the country, the offer is too good to resist.Unfortunately, it's also too good to be true. Suddenly, Clara finds herself sharing a house with a charming stranger. Josh might be a bit too perceptive - not to mention handsome - for comfort, but there's a good chance he and Clara could have survived sharing a summer sublet if she hadn't looked him up on the internet .. . Once she learns how Josh has made a name for himself, Clara realises living with him might destroy the reputation she's spent years building.But while they may not agree on much, both Josh and Clara believe women deserve better sex. What they decide to do about it will change both of their lives, and if they're lucky, they'll help everyone else get lucky too. Love for The Roommate:'Incredible .. . one of my top romance reads of 2020!' Jen Deluca, author of Well Met'Funny, super steamy and surprisingly tender, The Roommate raises the bar for rom coms in 2020' Evie Dunmore, author of Bringing Down the Duke'The Roommate is unapologetically sexy as hell.Danan's writing, like her characters, is funny, seductive, and full of heart' Meryl Wilsner, author of Something to Talk About'A powerful, feminist book, that makes you laugh as hard as you cheer. The Roommate is sunshine in the form of a book' Alexa Martin, author of Snapped'Warmly funny and gorgeously sexy, this porn-star romance is the most wholesome thing I've read in ages' The New York Times'Rosie Danan's The Roommate is seriously sexy, seriously smart' Helen Hoang, USA Today bestselling author'Wildly original and sexy romance . .. this delectable rom-com is both red-hot and fiercely feminist' Publishers Weekly'One of the steamiest romances of the year. This is a downright revolutionary story about modern women owning their desire' Popsugar'Gloriously soft and joyful, a sex positive manifesto inside a deliriously romantic, wickedly shameless love story' Entertainment Weekly
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Výber kníh autorov Little , Brown Book Group , Rosie Danan

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Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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