The Scientific Thoughts of a Spiritual Scientist! - MahaManas Maharshi

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The Scientific Thoughts of a Spiritual Scientist! - MahaManas Maharshi kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
2,90 €
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About the Book: Many people may disdain when they hear the name of spiritual science. The spirituality of MahaManas is rational/ reasonable spirituality, free from superstition ~ blind-faith. This spirituality is not conventional religious spirituality.The essence of true spirituality is to know oneself, to know this 'I'. In order to know oneself or the 'I' properly, one has to know the universe of which this 'I' is a part, that is, the cosmic order. You have to know the truth of creation, then you will be able to know the mystery of the creation of this 'I'.The main goal of spirituality is to find the root and root cause of creation along the path of reasoning with a free mind. As you continue on this path, the cosmic mysteries will gradually unfold to you. There is no difference between science.About the Author:Maharshi MahaManas aliasSumeru Ray.He is a great-minded wise sage of the modern age, a multi-talented creator, researcher, writer, philosopher, awakener, educator, multifaceted free thinker and he is self-dedicated to human development.He is the pioneer of reasonable spirituality and the creator of the great doctrine– ‘MahaVad’, and the founder of ‘MahaDharma’ –the religion of free-thinkers for true self-development & human development.Maharshi is well experienced physician of Alternative Medicines, he is a very successful practitioner and researcher in the field of Alternative Medicines and Human Development. MahaManas is the inventor of the new system of medicine~ MPathy…He is a knowledge worshipper, educated in the open school of the world! Self-consciousand self-aware man of vast experience with art sense, creative power, computer knowledge, new ideas.He is a good mentor. He is an author – philosopher –researcher. Maharshi is the teacher of true self development Education 'MahaManan' and specialist in mental problems. Most important identity of MahaManas, –he is a humanitarian. His all efforts are – for human welfare. He is a social reformer.He has knowledge in fine arts, literature, Yoga, meditation, art of healing, self-development program, lyric, story, screenplay writing, music composing and film making, news paper and periodicals editing, and reasonable spirituality.To know more, go through Google search= Sumeru Ray / Maharshi MahaManas
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