The Shadow Key

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13,25 €
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Krátky popis
**EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL LIMITED-EDITION with foiled gold symbol hidden under the cover. Only available while stocks last** There's something mysterious about the village of Penhelyg. Will unlocking its truth bring light or darkness?Meirionydd, 1783.Dr Henry Talbot has been dismissed from his post in London. The only job he can find is in Wales where he can't speak the language, belief in myth and magic is rife, and the villagers treat him with suspicion. When Henry discovers his predecessor died under mysterious circumstances, he is determined to find answers.Linette Tresilian has always suspected something is not quite right in the village, but it is through Henry's investigations that a truth comes to light that will bind hers and Henry's destinies together in ways neither thought possible.Reveal the secret symbol that haunts Henry and Linette when you take off the book jacket.Available on first printing of THE SHADOW KEY only.PRAISE FOR THE SHADOW KEY'An alluring, immersive Gothic mystery from an impressively talented writer. Susan Stokes-Chapman conjures the beauty and darkness of eighteenth-century Wales in this simmering, splendid novel' Jennifer Saint'A haunting, transporting mystery...kept me completely enthralled' Elodie Harper'I was gripped... the story was so dark and clever' Stacey Thomas'A gripping, beautifully executed historical thriller, full of arcane magic and Welsh mythology' Rosie AndrewsPRAISE FOR SUSAN STOKES-CHAPMAN:'A gripping narrative in which secrets from the past are slowly and ingeniously revealed' Sunday Times, *Historical Fiction Book of the Month*'An immersive, evocative story full of romance and intrigue' Red'Romantic, suspenseful and beautifully written...a glorious treat' Daily Mail

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Vintage Publishing, Stokes-Chapman Susan
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