The Strange Fascinations Of Noah Hypnotik

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The Strange Fascinations Of Noah Hypnotik kúpite na
18,00 €
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Krátky popis
",An epic wonder",* from the bestselling author of Mosquitoland This is Noah Oakman › sixteen, Bowie believer, concise historian, disillusioned swimmer, son, brother, friend. Then Noah › gets hypnotized. Now Noah › sees changes: his mother has a scar on her face that wasn't there before, his old dog, who once walked with a limp, is suddenly lithe, his best friend, a lifelong DC Comics disciple, now rotates in the Marvel universe. Subtle behaviors, bits of history, plans for the future--everything in Noah's world has been rewritten. Everything except his Strange Fascinations . . . A stunning surrealist portrait, The Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotikis a story about all the ways we hurt our friends without knowing it, and all the ways they stick around to save us. *Adam Silvera, bestselling author of More Happy Than Notand They Both Die at the End
Výber kníh autorov Viking , David Arnold

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Pán Prsteňov 3: Návrat kráľa
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