The Thing About Lemons

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The Thing About Lemons kúpite na
12,30 €
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Ori Reynolds has just made the biggest mistake of her life. One that's resulted in:1) losing all but one of her friends,2) feeling like the World's Most Terrible Person,and3) having all her fun summer plans cancelled. And, as if things couldn't get any worse, she now has no choice but to go on a road trip with her estranged grandad Claude to his home in the French countryside.Talk about life giving you lemons! However, while Ori scoffs at her mum's suggestion to ",make lemonade",, her sour situation is about to turn significantly sweeter than she could ever have imagined... The Thing About Lemons is the perfect summer read for fans of The Kissing Booth, To All The Boys I Loved Before and Sex Education.
Výber kníh autorov UCLan Publishing , Tasha Harrison

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora UCLan Publishing, Tasha Harrison
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

Zobraziť všetky knihy vydavateľa Slovart
Naše tipy

Pán Prsteňov 3: Návrat kráľa
Pokračovanie úspešnej trilógie Pán Prsteňov, v ktorom sa zavŕši príbeh putovania hobita Froda k Puklinám osudu a vojny, ktorá zavládla v Stredozemi. Knihu preložil Otakar Kořínek.