Drawn from more than two decades of pathbreaking writing, the
iconic and bestselling David Graeber's most important essays and
interviews. 'David has always been an inspiration to me... The
tools he has shared to help all of us deconstruct the current
reality we inhabit are invaluable...The more people that we can
reach the more chance of a reimagined world is possible' - Clive
Lewis MP ‘The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is
something that we make, and could just as easily make differently,’
wrote David Graeber. This new collection brings together the
renowned anthropologist, author and activist’s most visionary
essays, showing him imagining a new understanding of the past – and
a future based on humans' fundamental freedom. Drawn from more than
two decades of pathbreaking writing, and ranging across the biggest
issues of our time – inequality, technology, the identity of ‘the
West,’ democracy, art, power, anger, mutual aid and protest –
Graeber’s essays challenge the old assumptions about political
life.Despite converging political, economic, and ecological crises,
our politics is still dominated by either ‘business as usual’ or
nostalgia for a mythical past. Instead, Graeber shows himself to be
a trenchant critic of the order of things, driven by a bold
imagination and a passionate hope that our world can be different.
The incisive, entertaining and urgent essays collected in The
Ultimate Hidden Truth of the World make for essential reading.They
are a profound reminder of Graeber's enduring significance as an
inspiring and necessary thinker.
Najočakávanejšia epická fantasy sága roka! V krajine bez akejkoľvek
mágie, kde vládne krutý kráľ, je na kráľovský dvor povolaná
najnebezpečnejšia nájomná vrahyňa. Prichádza, aby získala späť
svoju slobodu, nie aby zabila kráľa. Ak v turnaji porazí dvadsaťtri
nájomných vrahov, zlodejov a žoldnierov, prepustia ju z väzenia a
po štvorročnej službe ako kráľova šampiónka získa späť svoju
slobodu. Jej meno je Celaena Sardothien. Korunný princ si Celaenu
na túto úlohu najal a je jej jediným spojencom. Kapitán kráľovskej
gardy je zas jej pravým ochrancom. V komnatách a chodbách Zámku zo
skla sa však schováva niečo oveľa nebezpečnejšie... A keď začne
Celaeniných protivníkov niekto po jednom likvidovať, jej zápas o
slobodu sa mení na boj o holé prežitie. Tajomný nepriateľ sa totiž
neuspokojí, kým nebude ležať celý svet v troskách.
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