The Ultimate Ski Book

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The Ultimate Ski Book kúpite na
47,45 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
Higher, faster, further skiing is more than a hobby, it s a way of life, a mode of transport, catalyst for discovery, profession, sport, and recreation. Originally an adventurous way to move through ice and snow, skiing is now the number one wintertime recreational activity. More popular than ever before, the snow lures thousands of die-hard fans to the airy heights of the world s mountains. Anyplace where even a few flakes fall, there are dedicated skiers forever hunting for the longest run in the Andes, the most spectacular downhill in the Alps, the most legendary chalet in the Rockies. Yet it is the simple joy of sliding on snow that has sustained skiing over time, elevating it to a global phenomenon with its own distinct culture. The Ultimate Ski Book follows the story of skiing through the centuries, capturing the essence of the world's most popular winter activity through spellbinding photography and inspiring text. From the first ski superstars and most memorable ski fashions to the world's best resorts and most prestigious chalets, it encapsulates all that dedicated skiers need to know. In this book, skiing expert Gabriella Le Breton assembles everything passionate skiers want to know, and a lot more.
Výber kníh autorov teNeues , Gabriella Le Breton

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Mimi a Líza
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