The Watch Book Rolex: 3rd updated and extended edition

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The Watch Book Rolex: 3rd updated and extended edition kúpite na
90,25 €
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The ultimate standard work on the Rolex brand is going into a new edition. The Watch Book Rolex has long been undisputedly one of the best coffee-table books when it comes to the luxury watch brand. In this superlative coffee-table book, Gisbert L.Brunner, known among experts as the ",watch pope",, illuminates the history of the chronometric legend Rolex. In his usual artistic style, he explains what makes this brand unique and to what extent it has contributed to the technical development of the wristwatch. From the first officially certified wristwatch, to the waterproof ",Oyster", case, to the technically sophisticated models of modern times, Gisbert covers everything the reader needs to know about the Rolex brand in impressive pictures and highly informative yet entertaining texts.In the third revised edition, the successful author has now also included the latest models of the legendary Submariner and Daytona series, the brand's traditional lines, which are already celebrating their 70th and 60th anniversaries. But in this edition, Gisbert also addresses the particular challenges facing the watchmaking trade in the advancing 21st century. The business is confronted with the increasing shortage of skilled workers.The author highlights the innovative projects and programmes with which the luxury brand is countering this trend in order to be able to maintain its own standards of guarantee and service in the future. Text in English, French and German.
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