The Woman, the Mink, the Cod and the Donkey

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The Woman, the Mink, the Cod and the Donkey kúpite na
15,62 €
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Come, dearest reader, and dive into this book. It's warm and safe in here, which you will have guessed already because it's about a human and three animals. You might not be able to remember the animals or the order they fall within the title, but that doesn't matter. The pictures will remind you that the story is about a woman, a mink, a cod and a donkey. Let us tell you a bit more about them... The woman is embarking on an important journey. She does not know her destination, but she knows what she'll find when she gets there: an open pub. It has been a long time since she has been in one due to a strange, sad region of yester-year called 'Lockdown'. On her travels she finds a mink. The mink is wise because he's known the cruelties of life, having been maligned because Danish minks were found to be spreading Coronavirus. The woman helps the mink forget the cruelties of life through something as old as time itself: love. The mink helps the woman withstand the journey to the pub through something else as old as time itself: wine. As they wander on their quest, a cod and a random donkey tag along, and together they discuss their most valued life lessons, such as the value of travel insurance, and why it's always important to wear breathable pants.
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Slovenské povesti o strašidlách
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