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Krátky popis
Meet the traders who supply the world with oil, metal and food - no
matter how corrupt, war-torn or famine-stricken the source.'The
definitive, eye-opening story of the most powerful and secretive
traders in the world.' Bradley Hope, co-author of Billion Dollar
Whale_____The modern world is built on commodities - from the oil
that fuels our cars to the metals that power our smartphones. We
rarely stop to consider where they come from. But we should.In The
World for Sale, two leading journalists lift the lid on one of the
least scrutinised corners of the economy: the workings of the
billionaire commodity traders who buy, hoard and sell the earth's
resources.It is the story of how a handful of swashbuckling
businessmen became indispensable cogs in global markets: enabling
an enormous expansion in international trade, and connecting
resource-rich countries - no matter how corrupt or war-torn - with
the world's financial centres.And it is the story of how some
traders acquired untold political power, right under the noses of
Western regulators and politicians - helping Saddam Hussein to sell
his oil, fuelling the Libyan rebel army during the Arab Spring, and
funnelling cash to Vladimir Putin's Kremlin in spite of strict
sanctions.The result is an eye-opening tour through the wildest
frontiers of the global economy, as well as a revelatory guide to
how capitalism really works.____'Blas and Farchy shine light on
what's long been the financial markets' darkest corner - the
crucial, yet underappreciated, role commodity traders play in
global finance and geopolitics . . .The World For Sale is a
fascinating, eye-opening read.' Gregory Zuckerman, author of The
Man Who Solved the Market'Javier Blas and Jack Farchy deftly peel
back the curtain on the amoral swashbucklers of capitalism who
trade in commodities . . .The World for Sale is a gripping account
of how they achieved their stranglehold over the world economy, and
their troubling influence on global politics.' Brad Stone, author
of The Everything Store
Viete o tom, že čertov obraz nad hlavným vchodom do bratislavskej
Starej radnice sa nedá zamaľovať, hoci sa o to pokúšal nejeden
maliar? Poznáte príbeh o mníchovi z Blatnického hradu, ktorého
lebka so zámkou na spodnej čeľusti je uložená v Národnom múzeu v
Budapešti? A tušíte, že vo Vajnoroch sa stále rodí taká mocná vínna
réva, čo porazí draka? Naše slovenské povesti majú rovnakú silu ako
víno, čo rokmi dozrieva a stúpa na hodnote. Poodhalia vám rúško
dávnej minulosti, osudy bohatých i biednych aj tajomný svet
zakliatych panien, bosoriek, vodníkov, čertov a ďalších prízrakov,
čo dodnes strážia poklady v tajných chodbách, štrngocú kľúčmi, za
splnu príšerne kvília alebo vám fúknu do tváre mŕtvolný chlad, z
ktorého mrazí a vlasy vstávajú dupkom... Preneste sa o niekoľko
storočí späť a príjemne sa chvejte pri čítaní strašidelných
povestí! S ilustráciami Svetozára Košického Pre čitateľov od 10
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