The hero of our romantic narrative, or better, narratives, was a
constable. Not one of that useful class appointed, in our day, to
direct the vehicles which pass over the two approaches to the
suspension-bridge in Budapest; rather, he was the chief of a body
whose task it is to provoke disturbance, who win all the more
praise and glory the greater the havoc and destruction they create.
In a word: he was a gunner. The chronicle of his exploits gives
only his Christian name, which was "Hugo." In the year 1688, when
the French beleaguered Coblentz, Hugo had charge of the battery in
the outermost tower of Ehrenbreitstein fortress—the "Montalembert
Tower." Coblentz and Ehrenbreitstein are opposite one another on
the banks of the Rhine, as are Pesth and Ofen; and the Blocksberg
looks down on us, as does the citadel of Ehrenbreitstein on
Coblentz. The city, which is strongly fortified on all sides, had
become accustomed to being beleaguered—now by the French, now by
the Prussians; today by the Austrians, tomorrow by the Swedes. On
the occasion of which I write, Coblentz was under a terrible fire
from the French guns, which created great havoc in that portion of
the city known as the "Old Town."
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neuspokojí, kým nebude ležať celý svet v troskách.
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