Tom Gates Ha! Ha! Hilarious HB

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Tom Gates Ha! Ha! Hilarious HB kúpite na
17,05 €
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Krátky popis
&,nbsp, The top-of-the-class, extra special 22nd book from bestselling author and illustrator Liz Pichon. A feel-good, laugh-out-loud, packed-with-pictures Tom Gates story! The brand new Tom Gates bestseller from multi-million selling writer and illustrator Liz Pichon. Tom Gates is Ha! Ha! HILARIOUS! He's created brand new comic *Ants In Pants* to make everyone (even Delia) laugh.Inspiration for his new comic is everywhere! There's Mr Keen's unicycle mishap and their NEW supply teacher Miss Jam (whose first name is NOT Strawberry or Traffic - but it should be). Class 5F LOVE Miss Jam's lessons. Mr Fullerman, not so much.BUT... when Tom's comic falls into the wrong hands, everything starts to go wrong. HOW will he get himself out of this MESS? How will he make everyone laugh again? Will Marcus help him out? Hmmm ...&,nbsp,maybe. Written in diary form Every page STUFFED full of laughs, stories, doodles and creative FUN The Brilliant World of Tom Gates was the winner of the 2011 Roald Dahl Funny Prize! Perfect gifts for boys &,amp, girls who love to laugh themselves silly The first series of The Brilliant World of Tom Gates won the Scottish BAFTA for Entertainment! &,nbsp, Don't miss Shoe Wars - the epic standalone by Liz Pichon.
Výber kníh autorov Liz Pichon , Scholastic

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