Universal Methods of Design, Expanded and Revised

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Universal Methods of Design, Expanded and Revised kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
33,20 €
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This expanded and revised version of the best-selling Universal Methods of Design is a comprehensive reference that provides a thorough and critical presentation of 125 research methods, synthesis/analysis techniques, and research deliverables for human-centered design. The text and accompanying photos and graphics of this classic resource are delivered in a concise and accessible format perfect for designers, educators, and students. This new, expanded edition includes updated information on scenarios, secondary research, territory maps, and other chapters.The addition of 25 new chapters brings fresh relevance to the text with innovative design methods that have emerged since the first edition, such as backcasting, behavioral design, horizon scanning, and transition design. Universal Methods of Design, Expanded and Revised distills each method down to its essence, in a format that helps design teams select and implement the most credible research methods suited to their design culture. Each method is presented in a two-page format.The left-hand page contains a concise description of the method, accompanied by references to further reading. On the right-hand page, images and case studies for each method are presented visually. The relevant phases for design application are highlighted as numbered icons along the right side of the page, from phases 1 (planning, scoping, and definition) through 5 (launch and monitor).Build more meaningful products with these methods and more: Affinity Diagramming, Behavioral Mapping, Bodystorming, Contextual Design, Critical Incident Design, Directed Storytelling, Empathy Maps, Graffiti Walls, Image Boards, Parallel Prototyping, Simulation Exercises, Touchstone Tours, and Weighted Matrix. This essential guide: Dismantles the myth that user research methods are complicated, expensive, and time-consumingCreates a shared meaning for cross-disciplinary teamsIllustrates methods with compelling visualizations and case studiesCharacterizes each method at a glanceIndicates when methods are best employed to help prioritize appropriate design research strategiesUniversal Methods of Design, Expanded and Revised is an essential resource for designers of all levels and specializations.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Rockport Publishers Inc., Bruce Hanington, Bella Martin
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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