Universal Principles of UX

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Universal Principles of UX kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
34,68 €
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Master the art of user experience design through the 100 laws, guidelines, human biases, and general considerations in this comprehensive, cross-disciplinary encyclopedia. Richly illustrated and easy to navigate, Universal Principles of UX pairs clear explanations of eachÂ&,nbsp,concept with visual examples of the ideas applied in practice. The book isÂ&,nbsp,organized into six broad categories: Consider Empathize Define Research Design Validate And, features principles as diverse as: Design is not neutral Make the choice easy Some complexity cannot be reduced Map the ecosystem So you think you can scroll Don’t grade your own homework User Experience is a field notableÂ&,nbsp,for its expansiveness, complexity and persistentÂ&,nbsp,evolution.This book is not a chronological retelling of the history of user experience design. It is also not a technical how-to book that will show you how to become a perfect user experience designer one step at a time. It's a philosophical anthology of case studies, situations, problems, and contradictionsÂ&,nbsp,encountered across more than fifteen years of working on real world client projects that will teach you how to think, rather than tell you what to do.Â&,nbsp, Each principle is presented in a two-page format.The left-hand page contains a succinct definition, a full description of the principle, examples of its use, and guidelines for use. Sidenotes appear to the right of the text, and provide elaborations and references. The right-hand page contains visual examples and related graphics to support a deeper understanding of the principle.This landmark reference is the standard for designers, engineers, managers, and students who seek to broaden and improve their user experience design expertise. The titles in the Rockport Universal series offer comprehensive and authoritative information and edifying and inspiring visual examples on multidisciplinary subjects for designers, architects, engineers, students, and anyone who is interested in expanding and enriching their design knowledge.
Výber kníh autorov Rockport Publishers , Irene Pereyra

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Rockport Publishers, Irene Pereyra
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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