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Unromance kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
13,25 €
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Krátky popis
UNROMANCE: A story in which two characters absolutely, categorically do not fall in love … right? ………….. It's the ultimate rom-com for rom-com fans!!! ‘A millennial love letter to romance books. Swifties, fans of Grey’s and Jane Austen – this one is for you’ ????? ‘This book … this BOOK! It was deliciously perfect! … A love letter to the Romance genre both across print and the screen’ ????? ‘Intriguing plot, humour and loveable main characters. If you’re a sucker for tropes, this one has them all. No, I mean, literally, all of them’ ????? ‘I totally got How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days vibes not only from the cover but the cool modern storyline as well! … So soooo good!’ ????? ‘Honestly one of the best romcom novels I have read in a long time … I can’t wait to read more from the author!’ ????? ………….. ? ? ? Sawyer Greene is done with romance. Once a bestselling author of the genre, she’s been left with nothing but heartbreak and bitterness. Mason West is a hopeless romantic. He has a habit of falling in love with all the wrong people. So when the two find themselves stuck in a lift together, Sawyer is determined this will not be their meet cute. But the universe has other plans. Sawyer and Mason make a plan to cure him of his hopeless romanticism, her of her writer’s block. It’s simple. Sawyer will become the romcom love interest of Mason’s dreams and ruin romance for him one trope at a time… There’s just one rule: do not fall in love. What could go wrong? ………….. ? ? ? Perfect for fans of: ?? Classic rom-com tropes ?? Grumpy X Sunshine ???????????? Meet-cutes ???? Fake dating ????? Spicy romances ???? Happy Ever After ? ? ? Erin Connor is your favourite rom-com writer's favourite rom-com writer: 'Sparkles with classic Hollywood rom-com magic' Andie Burke 'Erin Connor is my favourite new voice in romance' Alison Cochrun 'The chemistry between Sawyer and Mason is electric, and this book is properly funny and deeply charming. A real love letter to romance fans' Laura Wood 'Filled with razor-sharp banter and a happily-ever-after that will make every reader swoon in the most epic way, Unromance is written for those of us utterly obsessed with romcoms' Chip Pons 'Erin Connor delivers sharp wit, deliciously steamy moments, and so much charm that I was kicking my feet from the first page to the very last' Jessica Joyce 'A love letter to romance and its readers, Unromance is an impossibly charming love story … a sexy, delightful read!' Anita Kelly

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