Vogue The Jewellery

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Vogue The Jewellery kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
43,65 €
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Krátky popis
'Jewellery in all its guises has been a signifier of glamour in the pages of Vogue since the magazine's inception in 1916...the jewellery always commands the image - infinitely powerful and desirable, inventive and extraordinary.' - Alexandra Shulman'This book sparkles with glamour and flamboyance.' - Daily Mail'From simple strings of gleaming pearls to showstopping tiaras, this book is perfect for anyone with a true love of jewels.' - Conde Nast TravellerIllustrated with fabulous images from Vogue's archive, Vogue: The Jewellery is the ultimate book for fashion and jewellery lovers. From couture to costume jewellery, the brilliant pieces featured on the pages of British Vogue for more than a century have encapsulated the fashion zeitgeist of each new age for which they were created. Adorning princesses and rock chicks alike, the jewels shown in Vogue: The Jewellery reveal a dazzling array of styles and moods - from fairytale romance to Jazz-age glamour, sculptural modernism to timeless elegance.On every page sumptuous jewellery is the star of the show, nourishing dreams in us all. Carol Woolton has curated a collection of more than 300 fabulous images within five thematic chapters: Show-stoppers, Rock Chick, Minimalist, Exotic and Classic. From diamond-encrusted tiaras and intricate jet chokers to sculptural silver cuffs and simple strings of pearls, the book provides an evocative celebration of a century of jewellery, while showcasing British Vogue's best photographers including Norman Parkinson, David Bailey, Arthur Elgort, Corinne Day, Cecil Beaton and Tim Walker.Now available in a new format with a luxurious real cloth cover, at a more pocket-friendly price of GBP30, this is essential reading for fashionistas everywhere.
Výber kníh autorov Conran Octopus , Carol Woolton

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Conran Octopus, Carol Woolton
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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