Warrior Queens & Quiet Revolutionaries

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Warrior Queens & Quiet Revolutionaries kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
14,20 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
'A spectacular work of synthesis, scholarship and love. Epic, unputdownable, gripping. I loved it' - Professor Kate Williams",My hope is that this book will inspire as I have been inspired. It's a love letter to the importance of history and about how, without knowing where we come from - truthfully and entirely - we cannot know who we are.",Warrior Queens &,amp, Quiet Revolutionaries is a celebration of unheard and under-heard women's history. Within these pages you'll meet nearly 1000 women whose names deserve to be better known: from the Mothers of Invention and the trailblazing women at the Bar, warrior queens and pirate commanders, the women who dedicated their lives to the natural world or to medicine, those women of courage who resisted and fought for what they believed in to defend their families, their culture and their countries, to the unsung heroes of stage, screen and stadium. It travels the world - from the UK to the United States of America, Romania and Chile to Pakistan, Uganda to Germany, South Africa and India to New Zealand - and spans all periods of time. But it is also an intensely moving detective story of the author's own family history as Kate Mosse pieces together the forgotten life of her great-grandmother, Lily Watson, a famous and highly-successful novelist in her day who has all but disappeared from the record . . .Warrior Queens &,amp, Quiet Revolutionaries is accessible, ambitious in its scope and fascinating in its detail. A beautifully illustrated book, it features a diverse and global cast of names and is both an alternative and eclectic women's history of the world, a love letter to family history and a personal memoir about the nature of women's struggles to be heard and their achievements acknowledged. Joyous, celebratory and engaging, it is a book for everyone who has ever wondered how history is made.
Výber kníh autorov Kate Mosse , Pan Macmillan

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Kate Mosse, Pan Macmillan
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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