Warrior - V. Yerne Sanjay

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Warrior - V. Yerne Sanjay kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
2,54 €
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About the book: A unique biographical novel in the world based on the thrilling, historical and social aspects in the life of Saint Santaji Jagnade Maharaj Santaji’s role is like a thrilling character in the film. The references and periods in the Shivaji regime are based on the facts which are found through research. This novel is based on a Maharashtrian Saint so it is published in the Marathi language in 2016. Its two editions are sold also. Such a novel on the life of Saint Santaji Jagnade has never been written in any other language in the world and so it is a unique novel. It is intended that the readers throughout the world would take benefit of this novel and so it is translated into English language and is being publishedAbout the author: Sanjay V. Yerne is one of the best Marathi language storytellers, novelists, and critics in the Indian state of Maharashtra. He has published more than twenty books. He became famous for his collection of short stories, Dafar. To date, his three novels are Yodha, Yamuna, Bayari and Dafar, Damru, Surkula. He is the first to write a book on Charoli and has published four other books. He is an elementary teacher and he developed his own teaching method through self-study to help the school children to read and write English and he named it as English Pattern. He has also published a collection of short stories 'Aniket' for school children. His writing is multifaceted. The present novel 'Warriors' is a translation of the Marathi novel 'Yodha' which has been translated by Professor, Haridas Fitting Sir. What is special about this novel is that it is the first such novel in the world to be researched on the biography of Saint Santaji Jagannade Maharaj. The plot of this novel takes you to the historical period of Shivaray 400 years ago and compels you to describe the reality of the situation in that period. Therefore, giving justice to this subject and his character for the first time, Santaji is compelling to pay attention to the social, historical, and work of Santaji. Sanjay Yerne's role in making his character global is evident from this.
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Mimi a Líza
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