When Breath Becomes Air

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Krátky popis
#1NEW YORK TIMESBESTSELLER *, PULITZER PRIZE FINALIST *, This inspiring, exquisitely observed memoir finds hope and beauty in the face of insurmountable odds as an idealistic young neurosurgeon attempts to answer the questionWhat makes a life worth living?NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BYThe New York Times Book Review *,People *, NPR*,The Washington Post *,Slate *,Harper's Bazaar *, Time Out New York *,Publishers Weekly *,BookPageFinalist for the PEN Center USA Literary Award in Creative Nonfiction and the Books for a Better Life Award in Inspirational MemoirAt the age of thirty-six, on the verge of completing a decade's worth of training as a neurosurgeon, Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. One day he was a doctor treating the dying, and the next he was a patient struggling to live. And just like that, the future he and his wife had imagined evaporated.When Breath Becomes Airchronicles Kalanithi's transformation from a nave medical student ',possessed,' as he wrote, ',by the question of what, given that all organisms die, makes a virtuous and meaningful life' into a neurosurgeon at Stanford working in the brain, the most critical place for human identity, and finally into a patient and new father confronting his own mortality.What makes life worth living in the face of death? What do you do when the future, no longer a ladder toward your goals in life, flattens out into a perpetual present? What does it mean to have a child, to nurture a new life as another fades away? These are some of the questions Kalanithi wrestles with in this profoundly moving, exquisitely observed memoir.Paul Kalanithi died in March 2015, while working on this book, yet his words live on as a guide and a gift to us all. ',I began to realize that coming face to face with my own mortality, in a sense, had changed nothing and everything,' he wrote. ',Seven words from Samuel Beckett began to repeat in my head: ',I can't go on.I'll go on.'' When Breath Becomes Airis an unforgettable, life-affirming reflection on the challenge of facing death and on the relationship between doctor and patient, from a brilliant writer who became both.
Výber kníh autorov Random House Books , Kalanithi Paul

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Random House Books, Kalanithi Paul
Výber kníh vydavateľa Vintage Publishing

Zobraziť všetky knihy vydavateľa Vintage Publishing
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