White Hot Kiss

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Krátky popis
",Jennifer L. Armentrout is a master of weaving rich contemporary realism with magic and mayhem. Her characters will grab hold of your heart and refuse to let go. Every page left me wanting more.",--New York Times bestselling author Brigid KemmererFrom the author of From Blood and Ash, one kiss is enough to kill in this instant New York Times bestselling start to the Dark Elements series...Layla just wants to fit in at school and go on a date with Zayne, whom she's crushed on since forever. Trouble is, Zayne treats Layla like a sister--and Layla is a half demon, half gargoyle with abilities no one else possesses. And even though Zayne is a Warden, part of the race of gargoyles tasked with keeping humanity safe, Layla's kiss will kill anything with a soul--including him.Then she meets Roth--a demon who claims to know her secrets. Though Layla knows she should stay away, it's tough when that whole no-kissing thing isn't an issue. Trusting Roth could ruin her chances with Zayne, but as Layla discovers she's the reason for a violent demon uprising, kissing the enemy suddenly pales in comparison to the looming end of the world.",Armentrout works her magic with swoon-worthy guys and a twist you never see coming.",--#1 New York Times bestselling author Abbi Glines",Armentrout is a major talent... I just can't stop reading!",--New York Times bestselling author Gena ShowalterThe Dark Elements Series: Bitter Sweet Love (ebook-only prequel)White Hot KissStone Cold TouchEvery Last BreathCan't get enough of Zayne? His story continues in the New York Times bestselling Harbinger series: The Harbinger Series: Storm and FuryRage and RuinGrace and Glory
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Aktuálna Ø cena knihy White Hot Kiss je 11,35 €

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Jennifer L. Armentrout, Inkyard Press
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Mimi a Líza
Svet je veľmi zaujímavé miesto, farebné, zvláštne jedinečné a stále sa v ňom niečo deje. Lenže Mimi to nevidí, nemôže, žije totiž vo svete za zavretými očami. Ale nemusíte sa o ňu báť, nie je vôbec smutná. Má totiž kamarátku Lízu. Tá je jej očami. Dievčatá spolu prežívajú dobrodružstvá ako všetky ostatné deti. Spoznávajú susedov, učia sa čo je čo, čo môžu, a čo sa nepatrí. Sú nerozlučné priateľky a vytvorili si vlastný svet, kde zrak vôbec nie je dôležitý. Knižka vznikla podľa seriálu Mimi a Líza, ktorý odvysielala RTVS v roku 2013.